Tahoe Village
Wheeling, Illinois
Roof Replacement
Tahoe Village was completed between 1971 and 1979. There are 453 residential units in 65 buildings on the property.
Roof Replacement Project:
Removal of the existing asphalt shingle roofs and roof decking, as well as miscellaneous associated articles including the sheet metal flashings, roof vents, power fans, etc.
The underlying plywood roof deck sheathing was replaced.
Cover existing roof vent and power vent voids.
Install new self-adhering waterproofing underlayment over the roof deck.
New base ply felt installed over the self-adhering waterproofing underlayment.
New asphalt roof shingles installed.
New aluminum gutters and downspouts provided.
Ridge vent installed.
Existing B vent exhaust stacks above the roof level were removed and replaced.
Flashings installed at soil pipe.